![!cid_86D0328F-321C-4D77-B87C-24AD32D14FC4[8] !cid_86D0328F-321C-4D77-B87C-24AD32D14FC4[8]](http://lh6.ggpht.com/-C4rommkFBNE/TjjkTLuZdQI/AAAAAAAAFEM/fEFZtngDE34/%252521cid_86D0328F-321C-4D77-B87C-24AD32D14FC4%25255B8%25255D_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
First I’d like to take a moment and display some honorable mentions. These are some highlights of entries over the past 4 weeks that I enjoyed reading about various people’s favorite works by Rohlander:
*“Junk Food. I fall in love with this piece every time I see it. The simplicity speaks so loudly.....happiness, contentment, and being well! Creates warmth.” –Nicole*
*“Though I am drawn to all of the work in the Different Point of View album, “Hide & Seek” reminds me of childhood shopping trips with my mom and playing in the clothes rack, making temporary forts and hideouts in the department store, this made my mom crazy! Junk Food is another favorite, every party I have ends up in my very, very small kitchen. Everyone is just drawn to the kitchen right? So glad I found this sight and the artist, I have coveted this print since I saw it on Modern Family.” -Ginifer*
*“I still just LOVE Junk Food. I am an absolute flip-flop lover.I own more pairs than I can count and have trinkets and home furnishings base on that theme and would just love to own this piece of beautiful art.” -Paula*
*“My favorite work of art by Nathan Rohlander is "A Different Point of View". I am so obsessed that I had to do some serious investigating to track him down! Winning this piece would be a dream come true!!!” –Glamazon56*
I really enjoyed reading all your entries and hearing your views on the beauty you found in different pieces. Thank you so much for taking the time to enter this giveaway! I’m excited to announce a winner so I’ll get to the good stuff and reveal the lucky follower who will be hanging this beauty on their wall with pride.
And the winner is……
*Drum roll*
Maggie Torgerson, who said:
"Junk Food" is by far my favorite piece. I'm not an artist, nor do I have any art training, but there's something about the piece that really intrigues me. I love the perspective of the piece, and that it's not just a painting of legs and feet. The more I look at it, the more thought provoking it becomes--I find myself visualizing what the subject looks like and what they're doing from the waist, up.”
Congrats Maggie, you’ve won a really awesome prize and I’m thrilled to give it to you! A huge huge thank you to the generous and talented artist Nathan Rohlander who supplied me with this beautiful signed print to give away. If you would like to learn more about this artist you can visit his website here and/or join his Facebook page here. Oh and did I mention his wife is an awesome artist too? Check out her work here.
Stay tuned for more fabulous giveaways to come over at Reckless Bliss in the future!
*Photo credit Nathan Rohlander*
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