I have recently discovered the decadent PBS series Downton Abbey. The show is rich with storylines revolving around the Grantham clan and the numerous other people in their lives, but that’s only half the reason to watch. The Edwardian era of style is back in full swing with the interior design, architecture, and fashions. Every scene is filled with breathtaking views whether inside the castle or on the grounds. The show is filmed in Hampshire at Highclere Castle, which sits upon 1,000 acres. However, the kitchen and quarters to the servants are filmed in London on a soundstage due to the fact that the Highclere has since updated those rooms. Below are some shots of the grandeur style of the Castle and the elegant fashions of Downton’s early 20th century.
Highclere Castle was built by architect Sir Charles Barry in 1842. Barry also built the House of Parliament (aka. Palace of Westminster).
What are your thoughts on the luxurious style? Too much or too fabulous? Do you watch the show or have at least heard about it?
I highly recommend it!
(Photos are courtesy of Google Images, PBS.org and Imdb.com)